Is there any limit on number masking (a.k.a. sender/caller ID or SMS Alias)

Number masking refers to the name given by the sender in the sender field in an outgoing SMS message. It is restricted to only up to 11 alpha-numeric characters without any special character and does not allow a recipient to reply back unless a SIM mobile number is provided in the given name and/or message content sent.

Is multi-lingual SMS supported?

Yes, this function is supported with character set encoding ASCII Text (ISO-8859-1) for English and Malay languages, and UTF-8 (Unicode) for all other languages or a mix of English/Malay and other languages.

What is ASCII Text (ISO-8859-1) and UTF-8 (Unicode)?

To standardize the storing of alphanumeric characters, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) was created. It defined a unique binary 7-bits number for each storable character to support the numbers from 0-9, the upper/lower case English alphabet (a-z, A-Z), and some special characters like ! $ + – ( ) @ < > .

Because the limited character sets in ASCII Text and its non-compatibility in multilingual environments, the Unicode Consortium developed the Unicode Standard. The Unicode Standard covers (almost) all the characters, punctuations, and symbols in the world.

How to measure SMS and character count?

By industry standard, a standard SMS message in ASCII Text (ISO-8859-1) is 160 characters and in UTF-8 (Unicode) is 70 characters.

As for each concatenated (long) SMS message, one SMS count in ASCII Text (ISO-8859-1) and UTF-8 (Unicode) contains 153 characters and 67 characters respectively.